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Aquatics Ecology

Goals and Objectives

  • Identify the processes and phases for each part of the water cycle.
  • Describe the chemical and physical properties of water and explain their importance for freshwater and saltwater ecosystems.
  • Discuss methods of conserving water and reducing point and non-point source pollution.
  • Analyze the interaction of competing uses of water for water supply, hydropower, navigation, wildlife, recreation, waste assimilation, irrigation, industry and others.
  • Identify common aquatic organisms, aquatic plants, fish, game and non-game species.
  • Delineate the watershed boundary for a small water body.
  • Explain the different types of aquifers and how they relate to water quantity and quality.
  • Describe the benefits of wetlands and riparian areas, both function and value.
  • Describe the changes to the aquatic ecosystem based on alteration to an aquatic habitat.
  • Know methods used to sample, assess and manage aquatic environments and utilize water quality information to assess the general water quality of a given body of water (includes sampling techniques and water quality parameters to monitor point and non-point source pollution).
  • Be familiar with major methods and laws used to protect water quality  (surface and ground water) and utilize this information to make management decisions to improve the quality of water in a given situation.


Kansas Fishing Regulations Summary, Fish Identification Guide, and Aquatic Nuisance Species information on 

Study Materials

Two files to download or print:  Aquatic Plants and Fish List

Fish ID Gallery https://ksoutdoors.com/Fishing/Fish-ID-Gallery

Fishing - https://ksoutdoors.com/Fishing

Kansas School Naturalist; Stream Ecology - https://sites.google.com/g.emporia.edu/ksn/ksn-home scroll down to Volume 52, 2005 "Stream Ecology" file

Kansas Aquatic Nuisance Species -https://ksoutdoors.com/Fishing/Aquatic-Nuisance-Species/Aquatic-Nuisance-Species-List